Paint Out: Graceland Cemetery (Sunday)

Graceland Cemetery 41264 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL

Graceland Cemetery is a large historic garden cemetery located in the north side community area of Uptown.  Established in 1860, it is still an active cemetery with services and visiting […]

Paint Out: Belmont Harbor

Belmont Harbor 3154 Belmont Harbor, Chicago, IL

Belmont Harbor is located in the heart of beautiful Lincoln Park and is one of the largest harbors in the Chicago Harbors system.  A favorite among families and long-time boaters, […]

Paint Out: Ridgeland-Oak Park Historic District

Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio 951 Chicago Avenue, Oak Park, IL, United States

Oak Park offers great architecture amid lush tree-lined streets. Street parking available. Frank Lloyd Wright Studio is on Chicago Avenue, but around the corner on Forest Avenue are numerous magnificent […]

Paint Out: Riverwalk

Riverwalk Wabash and Wacker, Chicago, Il

We will be meeting on the riverfront at Michigan and Wacker near O’Brien’s Restaurant.  It’s a wonderful river view, full of boats, people, and many Chicago buildings and cafes.  There’s […]

Paint Out: Chicago Botanical Garden

Chicago Botanic Garden 1000 Lake Cook Rd, Glencoe, IL

385 acres of nature! Favorite painting spots are the English Walled Garden, the view of the Japanese bridge, and the waterlilies. Be aware of your surroundings and do not block […]

Paint Out: Old Town

Old Town 1655 N. Sedgewick St, Chicago, IL, United States

Old Town is a busy thriving neighborhood which offers us many choices.  You can paint at Twin Anchors Restaurant, 1655 N. Sedgwick Street.  This is an old-fashioned restaurant with a […]

Paint Out: Chinatown (Sunday)

Chinatown Gate 2206 S Wentworth, Chicago, IL

Chinatown is one of the most interesting neighborhoods in Chicago, as it continues to retain its ethnic heritage and close community. At its northern tip by the river, you will […]

Paint Out: Prairie Avenue

Prairie Ave 1827 S Indiana Ave, Chicago, IL, United States

Once the premier street to live on in Chicago, the Avenue fell into disrepair and it was not until the late 1980s that the street began to change. Historic mansions […]